June 23, 2017

God will protect Putin for protecting His people in Syria

God is protecting President Vladimir Putin for Putin protecting His people in Syria. The Syrian Christians are God's House of Ephraim from the Old Testament. The House of Ephraim are the Jewish people who accepted Jesus as the Messiah, and were the first converts to Christianity. The Syrian Christians are the oldest Christians in the world. They were Christians while everyone in the West was still pagan and had never heard of Jesus yet.

If it weren't for Presidents Putin and Assad, and America and it's partner Saudi Arabia would have taken down Damascus long ago and all Christians in Syria would be slaughtered and The House of Ephraim would be wiped out.

For Putin being the 1 man strong enough and moral enough to stand up to the evil globalist empire and protect God's people, God has blessed him and is protecting him. Whatever happens, Putin is protected by God.

All Christians need to get on their knees, pray for their brothers and sisters in Syria, pray for their protectors, pray that Donald Trump wakes up and take action, pray that the evil government war mongers and Shadow Government will be destroyed.

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