March 5, 2017

Vladmir Putin is on a mission from Jesus to save the Syrian Christians

While America is illegally in Syria and is funding and arming Islamic terrorists with machine guns and tanks to fight in Syria and take down the Syrian government. America thinks it can go around the world and constantly overthrow governments. The world is sick of it.

Vladimir Putin however is fighting against the Islamic terrorists and is saving the Syrian Christians from brutally being slaughtered.. If America and it's allies overthrow the Syrian government, then the Islamic extremists that they arm will murder every Christian in Syria.

A source says Vladimir Putin had a dream the night after he went to church service for New Years Eve. In the dream, Putin saw tanks with American flags rolling in Damascus. Then he saw a young Syrian Christian girl screaming bloody murder and looking up at soldiers pointing guns at her. Behind her, her parents and older brothers were all laying dead. An old Bible was set to fire and burning. The soldiers were debating whether to kill the girl or to kidnap her where she'd grow up in sex slavery. Then Putin felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Jesus. Jesus told Putin this is what would happen if nobody helped the Christians in Syria. Jesus asked Putin if he was willing to help his brethren. Putin said he was willing. Jesus told Putin that he was blessed. The dream shook up Putin and he became more determined to protect the Christians in Syria from being wiped out by Islamic extremists and America. The next time Putin went to church, he told several people about his dream and asked the church to pray for the Christians in Syria and for Americans to wake up to the truth

Where are the Christians of the world to stand up for their brothers and sisters in Syria who are terrified of America causing their massacre? Why aren't the Christians in America holding protests and rallies to demand President Trump get our troops out of Syria?

I'm ashamed of the apathetic, complacent, "lukewarm" Christians who aren't speaking up against this horrible war in Syria. Why aren't you defending your brothers and sisters in Christ? Too busy watching reality TV or playing apps on your iphone? Don't care because they are brown people in the middle east?

There are several ways to let the government know that the American people demand our troops get out of Syria.

Get on twitter and annoy the crap out of Donald Trump, Mike Pence, the war monger John McCain, The Pentagon, The White House, all of your Senators and representatives.

Send eMails. Write letters. Make Phone calls. Make a petition. Speak out. Somehow, someway.

Most of all, pray, pray, pray. Pray that Trump grows a pair and orders troops out of Syria.

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