August 9, 2017

It's the end of America

It's official. The bad guys have completely taken over. The Illuminati (Sons of the Nephilim) Soros', Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc. and their many shills have taken over. The tech billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Sergey Brin, Jack Dorsey, Eric Schmidt, etc, are working with the bad guys to control all of you human slaves. The humans have rebelled and the bad guys don't approve of rebellion. They are taking all of your liberty and freedom bit by bit over the last few decades and they will continue until their goal is complete. Communist style censorship is in effect. It's complete fascism. People who are telling the truth and warning others are silenced.

If you have enough money, move to Russia ASAP. Putin is fighting for team humanity against the Illuminati, while America is dead. In the end, Russia and China will win and destroy America to the glee of the rest of the world. Earth will finally be free from the evil, brutal and oppressive dictator that was USA. In the meantime, America will be destroyed. 90% of Americans will die by the time it's over.

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