August 10, 2017

Wake up or die

Urgent message to team humanity: Phil Schneider was a martyr for team humanity. He knew he was going to be murdered by the government for warning humanity what their treasonous government was really doing but he still warned team humanity. He was willing to sacrifice his life in order to warn humans what the government is plotting for them along with certain alien races. There were several unsuccessful attempts on his life. His daughter was almost kidnapped, but fortunately she was rescued at gunpoint. He had top level clearance which means he had access to more than the President, he knew everything. He was only one of 3 survivors of the 1979 battle in the Dulce airforce base between humans and tall grey aliens. He also had artifacts from alien technology and photographs. When he was murdered, the only thing taken from his home was all artifacts and documentation regarding aliens and the New World Order and Alien Agenda. The government doesn't want to be honest about aliens because they don't want the masses to know what they have planned.

The New World Order and the Alien Agenda is the same thing. The Alien Agenda IS the New World Order. The end goal is complete and open takeover of the entire planet. They want to kill 7/8's of the population on earth and make the rest of the population as docile slaves for The Controllers of the world.

The government has known about this for decades but keeps it secret along with many secrets. Everything they have ever told you was a lie. They keep the truth hidden. They are not your friend. They are your enemy.

America has become a country of weak cowards. Perfect to be docile, easily controlled slaves. Americans have a famous reputation for being stupid. And while everyone's stupid and distracted by TV, the Controllers of Earth have the New World Order alien agenda going in full effect.

You are in enemy hands. Anyone who wants a New World Order or gun control wants you dead. The plan is for 7/8's of the population to be killed. Your executioners are top people in your government and the unelected Controllers of the world.

If martial law comes to America, say bye, you're dead. If you see blue helmets (the UN) patrolling America, say bye, you're dead. Phil Schneider laid his life down to tell humanity the plan in by the American government is to declare martial law, bring in the UN, ship the population to FEMA camps or one of the many underground bases, execute the vast majority of them, and send the people they let live to Re-Education camps. It's not a conspiracy theory. A former top clearance level government agent was willing to die so that you would know what's really going on. So wake up or die.

There are more speeches and warnings from Phil Schneider. You can watch them on before they get censored and taken down. Don't let his death be in vain. Wake up.

Americans want Putin to liberate them

A Russian spy plane flew over the Swamp. The hero of humanity is watching.

Save us Putin, save us! Liberate us from the criminals that control us! Liberate us from evil Illuminati like George Soros and the Rothschilds- the good Americans

August 9, 2017

It's the end of America

It's official. The bad guys have completely taken over. The Illuminati (Sons of the Nephilim) Soros', Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc. and their many shills have taken over. The tech billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Sergey Brin, Jack Dorsey, Eric Schmidt, etc, are working with the bad guys to control all of you human slaves. The humans have rebelled and the bad guys don't approve of rebellion. They are taking all of your liberty and freedom bit by bit over the last few decades and they will continue until their goal is complete. Communist style censorship is in effect. It's complete fascism. People who are telling the truth and warning others are silenced.

If you have enough money, move to Russia ASAP. Putin is fighting for team humanity against the Illuminati, while America is dead. In the end, Russia and China will win and destroy America to the glee of the rest of the world. Earth will finally be free from the evil, brutal and oppressive dictator that was USA. In the meantime, America will be destroyed. 90% of Americans will die by the time it's over.

August 8, 2017

Top domestic enemies

Top domestic enemies; Top shills for the evil Deep State:

Robert Mueller
H.R. McMaster
John McCain
Lindsay Graham
Paul Ryan
Chuck Shumer
John Brennan
Hillary Clinton & family
Maxine Waters
George Soros
Marco Rubio
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Steven Wasserman
Rod Rosenstein
James Comey
Barack Obama
Loretta Lynch
John Podesta
Nikki Haley
Al Gore

Pray for Donald Trump

Domestic enemies are trying to take down President Trump. Domestic enemies Bob Mueller, Rod Rosenstein and Herbert McMaster are working to try to get him impeached on any phony charge while there is an active assassination plot because Trump is team humanity. Ever Since the first George Bush was president, the Deep State has been in full and total control.

All of the domestic enemies are puppets of the Controllers of the world. The Rothschilds that has almost every country enslaved with a Rothschild owned central bank like the Federal Reserve, The Soros', the Rockefellers and more.

Everyone for humanity, who doesn't want to see 90% of the earth's population killed to make way for the New World Order, where everyone will be ruled over by a dictatorship, that they have been working on for so long, needs to pray for Donald Trump.

Pray for his physical safety, that the Deep State doesn't kill him. Pray for him to have guidance and wisdom, to handle all domestic enemies effectively. Pray for him emotionally, that the Deep State doesn't get to him. Pray for him to have strength. Pray for him to purge all of his enemies. Pray for him to have supernatural protection and guidance at all times. Pray for the domestic enemies to be neutralized as well as the Controllers of the world to lose their control.


August 7, 2017

Russia and China are fighting the bad guys on behalf of humanity

The Presidents of Russia and China are fighting on behalf of humanity against the human hating elitist Controllers of the world. Presidents Putin and Xe can not be bribed or threatened by the Controllers, who run the Deep State. The Controllers that believe they have blood of the Nephilim and are superior to humans and want to control them include the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Soros', the monarchy in England and more but they are the main ones. Humanity needs to realize the lies and fight back against the Controllers. The dollar is about to collapse and it can't crash soon enough. Humanity is waking up and fighting back. The system will collapse and that's a good thing. It will get ugly and it will be hard, but it's necessary for the survival of humanity.

August 6, 2017

The defender of Christianity

Be prepared-the big American war is getting close

All of the signs in the heavens point to a huge war coming to America. All of the omens are here.

I don't know if this will be a civil war or if America is getting nuked.

But America is waking up and realizing everything we were taught is a lie. America is enslaved by an oligarchy. The Rothschilds, The Soros', The Rockefellers, the monarchy's in Europe, etc. They call themselves the son of the Nephilim and believe their DNA makes them superior. That's why England still has a monarchy. America was supposed to be free from monarchy rule and we were, until the Rothschilds stole our country from under our feet in a sneaky way.

America started out as a great, free country but when J.P. Morgan, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers sneakily and illegally set up the evil, thieving Federal Reserve which is not federal and there's no reserve. The billionaires have enslaved the entire American population with the Federal Reserve and the only President who was going to dissolve it was murdered. Now look at the way the mainstream media which is the mouth piece of the Deep State/Oligarchy is treating President Trump versus how they treat Hillary Clinton. Humanity fought back for our freedom from enslavement and the Deep State is very upset and is fighting humanity back. Meanwhile they are constantly demonizing and bashing the greatest leader in the world of our times, President Putin. He banned the Rothschilds and Soros from Russia to protect the Russian people and keep them free. Meanwhile Americans are slaves that are too dumb to see they aren't free at all.

Look at This is the mouth piece of the CIA. They have actually forecast that America's population in 2025 will be 54 million and it's currently 324 million. What are they planning? What do they know?

I think it's going to happen somewhere from late September to December of this year. Be prepared. Stock up on necessities. Be prepared to live like the Amish. The rich will be safe in their bunkers.

July 3, 2017

Patriotic dogs sing the Russian National Anthem

This is cute. When these patriotic dogs hear the music of the Russian National Anthem, they wag their tails and sing the anthem! Watch them. 

July 2, 2017

Putin shows massive restraint while USA bullies and provokes war

Russia president Vladimir Putin has shown massive restraint while the USA and it's NATO allies has been relentlessly bullying Russia and trying to provoke Russia into war. So far, Russia has had the utmost restraint. If anyone else was in Putin's place, they would have likely struck back and struck back hard by now.

Read this till the end. What hypocrisy.

If another "chemical attack" or any other attack happens in Syria and is used as an excuse for America to strike, we already know it's a pre-planned false flag. Evil, lying war mongers, John McCain, HR McMaster, John Brennan and the rest of the Deep State can't wait to go for world war 3. They all have their bunkers and they don't care how many millions of human life they kill. In fact, the higher the death count is, the better for them.

July 1, 2017

Putin for President 2020

If Vladimir Putin ran for President in America, he'd win in a landslide! In any group I bring up Putin, there's overwhelming admiration for him. I volunteer to be his campaign manager!

June 28, 2017

Young Americans are against fake news and love Putin

The old generations may have fell for all the media lies back in the day because the mainstream media was the only source of "news".

Times have changed. It's out with the old and in with the new. The old people and their old NWO agenda will die off and the young, smarter people will take control and have a new agenda. No more mainstream media. No more CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, Washington Post (Bezo's Blog) or New York Times. They will all die off and the young, truthful, independent media will take their place.

The young Americans say quit lying about Russia, it's just making us learn about Putin and love him. We wish Putin was our leader.

June 27, 2017

Nikki Haley and America pre-blame Assad, Iran, and Russia for war

It keeps getting worse.

Even though America is in Syria illegally, committing crimes everyday and the evil plots of the Shadow Government has been exposed and is pretty wide known by now, Nikki Haley and the White House pre-blamed an attack that didn't happen on Assad, Iran, and Russia.

Basically Nikki Haley and The White House sent out tweets and a press release that said if America responds to (fake) chemical attacks that Assad will carry out, it will be Assad, Iran, and Russia's fault.

Assad never carried out any chemical attack. That is a bold lie by the American government and the mainstream media that just tells you what they want you to believe. There was no evidence at all for and there never will be, because Assad didn't order any chemical attack. That's why America refused to let it be investigated.

Assad and his army were winning the fight against the American and Saudi Arabia funded terrorists. The civil war was pretty much over and Russia had plans to help rebuild the destroyed country. But America, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Turkey don't want the war to be over. They don't want peace. They want to topple the government of Syria, divide up the country, put in their own governments, and take all of the oil for themselves.

Since the threat of peace was near, H. R. McMaster, an ugly Shadow Government war monger, decided to take action to prevent peace and rebuilding. The chemical attack was all H. R. McMaster's plot. He then fed a bunch of lies to Trump and urged Trump to authorize a missile strike, without Congressional approval.

Congress might have the audacity to ask for proof or evidence. There is no proof or evidence. Assad had practically won the civil war, so why would he sabotage himself? He wouldn't.

Donald Trump must blindly swallow whatever his dirty people give to him. It's not known whether the Shadow Government have control of him or not. If not, he's not being smart. He authorized the missile strike without any evidence or Congressional approval.

Not only that, very few of the missile strikes even made it to the Syrian air base. The majority of missiles did not land. That could have been from Russia shooting down the missiles or really bad aiming or something bigger.

June 23, 2017

God will protect Putin for protecting His people in Syria

God is protecting President Vladimir Putin for Putin protecting His people in Syria. The Syrian Christians are God's House of Ephraim from the Old Testament. The House of Ephraim are the Jewish people who accepted Jesus as the Messiah, and were the first converts to Christianity. The Syrian Christians are the oldest Christians in the world. They were Christians while everyone in the West was still pagan and had never heard of Jesus yet.

If it weren't for Presidents Putin and Assad, and America and it's partner Saudi Arabia would have taken down Damascus long ago and all Christians in Syria would be slaughtered and The House of Ephraim would be wiped out.

For Putin being the 1 man strong enough and moral enough to stand up to the evil globalist empire and protect God's people, God has blessed him and is protecting him. Whatever happens, Putin is protected by God.

All Christians need to get on their knees, pray for their brothers and sisters in Syria, pray for their protectors, pray that Donald Trump wakes up and take action, pray that the evil government war mongers and Shadow Government will be destroyed.

June 20, 2017

American Begs Putin for Asylum to escape world war 3 nuclear war

I am begging Vladimir Putin and Russia for asylum because the war mongers in Washington DC are bat shit crazy and hell bent on war. They illegally invade Syria, they shoot down Syria's own planes in their own country, they arm and fund Islamic terrorists and they are begging Russia, China, and Iran for nuclear war.

Please, please, please give me asylum Mr. Putin. I beg you for asylum because I'm scared to death of my own terrorist government. They have no qualms about starting nuclear war for no damn reason.

Vladimir Putin is the Lone White Knight Who Has Halted the Evil New World Order Plans

This world is ran by a group of evil, sinister people with the most evil, sinister plans for the world. Currently, their plan is to take down and destroy Syria. They want to take down Lebanon and Iran while the're at it. And everything America says about the war is all lies.

America is funding and arming terrorists to help take down the Syrian government. America admits they are funding terrorists, but calls them "rebels" rather than ISIS. It IS ISIS. In fact, America created ISIS. Now America lies to the people and says they are in Syria to fight against ISIS. But they aren't fighting against ISIS. They are arming ISIS and fighting with ISIS. America and ISIS have the same goal. To take down the president of Syria.

Now the end goal of these evil people that run the world, and they make no secret of it. is to have a one world order, also called new world order. They want a one world currency with one central bank which is of course will be a Rothschild owned bank like we have now. The Rothchilds are one of the most evil families in the world and they control most of the world. They want a one world religion. They also want massive, massive population reduction. In fact, they have made it well known that they want the earth to have a population of 500,000. In fact, they have put everything they want on what's known as the Georgia Monument in several languages. Google it. Many FEMA camps and re-education camps are all over America, so when the time comes, the government chooses who lives and who dies. Many will die and they will be shot on the spot. The people who live will be sent to the re-education camps to learn how to function in the new world order. And there's also a bunch of scary plans with scary new technology. And this new government will control every little part of your life. Freedom will be a foreign concept. And that's not fiction, that's fact and this information is even on official military documents. But you won't hear about it on the mainstream media because they have no interest in telling any truth.

This would already have happened if it weren't for the White Knight Vladimir Putin.

Vladimir Putin kicked the evil, sinister Rothchild bankers from Russia. Vladimir Putin can't be controlled by the Deep State. Assassination attempts have not worked on Vladimir Putin. Putin told Oliver Stone in an interview that there were 5 assassination attempts on him. Vladimir Putin won't join forces with evil and help America take down Syria and kill Assad, the way it did Iraq, Libya and more. America tried to get him to join their forces to do evil, but Putin said no and continues to be the White Knight, fighting evil practically alone. The only reason Vladimir Putin is still alive is because he has thousands of nuclear weapons, not to mention a large, powerful army. If America declares war on Russia, it's game over. There will be a nuclear war and very few people will survive. The people that do survive will wish they hasn't because life will be very difficult. We will be back to the stone ages with no stone age experience. And after a nuclear war there will be what's called a nuclear winter where it will bring a mini ice age and food won't grow. So I hope the people who survive have lots and lots and lots of food stockpiled.

The group of evil billionaires that run the world have already bought bunkers in New Zealand. They are prepared for a nuclear war. The world's population will probably be 500,000 after a nuclear war. Those who don't die from the nuclear weapons will die a slow painful death from starvation, disease, cold, murder, or suicide. They are even planning on colonizing Mars, but it will be several years before that happens.

The only power that the People have, are the power of numbers. If the 99% got out there, made their voices heard by the government, held rally after rally, protest after protest, and bombarded social media demanding our troops get out of Syria now, that could stop the war. The government doesn't want loud, active people. They want stupid, brainwashed, apathetic zombies. If the 99% took to the streets to demand the war stop, it has to stop, because the government would be frightened by the People. Government works best when it's scared of the People. Remember what happened during the French Revolution with King Louis and Marie Antionette? The People took to the streets and cut off their heads. Now, France has no monarchy.

We live under a dictatorship. A dictatorship of evil, sinister, white billionaires that we didn't elect. The only thing that can stop them is the People taking to the streets and taking back control of our country.

May 1, 2017

The Great Awakening

More and more Americans are waking up and learning the truth. We will be disgusted at our government and main stream media when we learn everything they've told us was all a lie. I hope all Americans will be awake very soon. 

March 5, 2017

Vladmir Putin is on a mission from Jesus to save the Syrian Christians

While America is illegally in Syria and is funding and arming Islamic terrorists with machine guns and tanks to fight in Syria and take down the Syrian government. America thinks it can go around the world and constantly overthrow governments. The world is sick of it.

Vladimir Putin however is fighting against the Islamic terrorists and is saving the Syrian Christians from brutally being slaughtered.. If America and it's allies overthrow the Syrian government, then the Islamic extremists that they arm will murder every Christian in Syria.

A source says Vladimir Putin had a dream the night after he went to church service for New Years Eve. In the dream, Putin saw tanks with American flags rolling in Damascus. Then he saw a young Syrian Christian girl screaming bloody murder and looking up at soldiers pointing guns at her. Behind her, her parents and older brothers were all laying dead. An old Bible was set to fire and burning. The soldiers were debating whether to kill the girl or to kidnap her where she'd grow up in sex slavery. Then Putin felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Jesus. Jesus told Putin this is what would happen if nobody helped the Christians in Syria. Jesus asked Putin if he was willing to help his brethren. Putin said he was willing. Jesus told Putin that he was blessed. The dream shook up Putin and he became more determined to protect the Christians in Syria from being wiped out by Islamic extremists and America. The next time Putin went to church, he told several people about his dream and asked the church to pray for the Christians in Syria and for Americans to wake up to the truth

Where are the Christians of the world to stand up for their brothers and sisters in Syria who are terrified of America causing their massacre? Why aren't the Christians in America holding protests and rallies to demand President Trump get our troops out of Syria?

I'm ashamed of the apathetic, complacent, "lukewarm" Christians who aren't speaking up against this horrible war in Syria. Why aren't you defending your brothers and sisters in Christ? Too busy watching reality TV or playing apps on your iphone? Don't care because they are brown people in the middle east?

There are several ways to let the government know that the American people demand our troops get out of Syria.

Get on twitter and annoy the crap out of Donald Trump, Mike Pence, the war monger John McCain, The Pentagon, The White House, all of your Senators and representatives.

Send eMails. Write letters. Make Phone calls. Make a petition. Speak out. Somehow, someway.

Most of all, pray, pray, pray. Pray that Trump grows a pair and orders troops out of Syria.